EFPA SC Community Psychology, AIP, Community Psychology Lab,
University Federico II, Psy-Com Aps, SIPCO
9.00-14.30, 25th of November 2023
Fondazione Mediterraneo, Via De Pretis 130, Naples in person and zoom
9.00 Neapolitan environment friendly welcome!!!
5mns video “Gardening against any addiction!
Dott.Anita Rubino, Dipartimento per le dipendenze Asl Napoli1 Centro
Psychology today and Environmental future issues
Prof. Christoph Steinebach, President EFPA
Dr. David Lazzari President CNOP
Prof. Santo Di Nuovo President INPA
Prof. Cinzia Albanesi President ECPA
10.00 How to use the tools of Community Psychology (e.g., Participatory Research) to support and stimulate climate engagement?
Chair prof. Immacolata Di Napoli
Promising projects to fight climate change based on Community Psychology principles
Prof. Minou Mebane EFPA WG CP Project on climate change
Prof. Bjørn Z. Ekelund
Strengthening innovative capability for community engagement and climate issues.4 cases applying Theory U and Diver
Community psychological perspectives on climate change
prof Emeritus Bernd Roehrle, University of Marburg
Climate change and community psychology issues
Prof. Fortuna Procentese, President SIPCO,University Federico II Naples
11/25 UN day to fight violence against women and climate change. The respect of the earth as a non-predatory feminine value
Marina Passos, phd Student University Federico II
12.15-14.00 Workshop
The New Bank of Community Ideas and Solutions
In Quest of a Common Global Currency of Tomorrow
In this 2-hours workshop, we will analyze and present patterns of success built into the moments and sense of community, in order to make them transferable to other situations and areas. Interactively, we will discuss conditions needed to create and tell transformative community stories, and share our own stories.
Wolfgang Stark (Germany), with Bill Berkowitz, Leslie Hatch Gail, Brad Olson, Jordan Russell, MoDena Stinette, Tom Wolff (USA), Liesette Brunson (Canada), Caterina Arcidiacono (Italy), Nicholas Carr (Norway)
The ‘New Bank for Community Ideas and Solutions’ offers concrete examples how we build community and collaborate creatively as a community. It recognizes and appreciates inspiring stories of community resilience and creativity as shared ‘societal treasures’ and as an important part of our ‘common social wealth’.