The community psychology lab of the University of Naples is collecting stories about Covid-19 lockdown among university students, in collaboration with many other Italian Universities. If you are based in Europe and you are interested in joining the research the University of Naples is willing to expand its collaborations. The research is now going on also in Barcelona (Spain) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). The Community psychology lab of the University of Naples is willing to share the template and to provide a platform and technical support.
The template includes the following: Referring to this recent lockdown give a careful description of a) One of your emotions or of some of people who live with you that you will share b) One of your thoughts connected to the lockdown experience that you will describe and share c) A significant event related to your life, to people around your, or more generally to the whole globe in these circumstances that you will share. d) A positive or negative action that you think significant to focalise and to share e) What is the lesson I learned? Expectations, hope and desires for the post COVID19 era. f) An opportunity or a difficult related to online teaching and to your activities as a university student?
If you want to know more write to