HOME_EU – Homelessness as unfairness

The global aim of HOME_EU is to provide a comprehensive understanding on how the Europeans stakeholders perceive, tolerate and confront the inequality.

We aim to understand how persistent Homelessness disrupts individuals, basic liberties and equality aspirations, and to find the best solution to tackle this phenomenon.

The Capabilities Approach provides a framework that will be used to generate data and practical guidelines to promote social justice with a focus on service effectiveness and policy guidance for innovation.

The project will examine how the experiences of homeless services users (both current and past; both Housing First and other services) are shaped by the homelessness-related values, beliefs, priorities, and practices service providers that support them, by national public policies that direct services, and by the citizens who shape public policy.

To achieve this aim, HOME_EU will compile data from diversified sources: citizens, service users and providers and policy actors to understand how this phenomenon is accepted or not across partner member states, and to highlight effective solutions.

Maria Vargas-Moniz and José Ornelas of ISPA – Instituto Universitário, are involved in the HOME_EU project.