This event is organized by the Department of Humanities and the Community Psychology Laboratory of the University Federico II, IAPS (Italian American Psychological Society), and “Psicologi per la Responsabilità Sociale” in collaboration with AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia), CNOP, PSICAMP (Ordine degli Psicologi Nazionale e della Regione Campania), and SIPCO.
This conference will be characterized by a diversity of contributions in the form of oral communications, round tables, symposia, and cultural events as well as creative activities, aimed at a better understanding of rising global social-psychological and mental-health problems, highlighted, but not limited to, the migrant crisis, rising nationalism, stereotyping, bullying, and youth depression.
The intent of this conference is to generate a coherent understanding of these and related issues, and to highlight possible solutions.
We are pleased to invite you to attend this event by joining us in Naples on October 2019.
Download the conference program here.