The Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention) brings the debate on the theme of cultural heritage as a common good in its various material and immaterial dimensions and linked it to the identity of places and communities up to date. The Convention affirms that all forms of cultural heritage in Europe that together constitute a shared source of legacy, understanding, identity, cohesion, and creativity are part of cultural heritage.
This broad definition, which also refers to the role and function of citizens’ participation, opens the door to a multitude of possible intercultural and interinstitutional collaborations and innovative ways of promoting the development of cultural sites, communities and heritage.
Cultural heritage provides communities with tangible and intangible experiences that favour the perception of common past and traditions, creating connections between citizens and places and between citizens and the community, favouring a focus on local dimensions, enhancing resources and natural, environmental, cultural and social heritage, improving the quality of life.
They offer opportunities for discussion and debate on issues affecting the entire community, as well as to expand their social network, impacting the ties within and with the community through their physical and social characteristics and through the social and cultural environment that they host as part of “The Faro Convention Implementation. Heritage Communities as Commons: Relationships, Participation, and Well-being in a Shared Multidisciplinary Perspective” conference.
The Community Psychology Lab (Humanities Department) of the University Federico II and IRISS (Institute for Research on Innovation and Development Services) of the National Research Council of Italy and the Venice Office of the Council of Europe, with SiPCO (Italian Society of Community Psychology), ANIAI (National Association of Italian Engineers and Architects), AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia), PSI-COM APS (Associazione di Promozione Sociale), invite scholars and professionals of human relations and habitat: psychologists, sociologists, architects, economists, lawyers, social and cultural managers to participate in the conference and to submit an abstract.
The deadline to submit abstract proposals is October 20, 2021
The conference will be held both live in Naples (Complesso del SS. Marcellino e Festus Ateneo Federico II) and with online sessions, on 16 and 17 December 2021.
Abstract (max 250 words) in Italian or English must be sent, according to the following format, to the Organizing Secretariat (email:naplesfaroconvention2021@gmail.com) no later than 20.10.2021.
The communication of the acceptance will be sent, within 25.10.2021, to the e-mail address indicated in the abstract. It is also planned a special issue to which participants will be able to contribute.
Scholars, belonging to different disciplinary fields, are called to investigate and discuss, in the perspective of the Faro Convention, the following issues aimed at the development of Heritage Communities:
1. Places, participation, values and connections
2. Individual and collective rights in the participatory management of heritage
3. Cultural commons, valorization of cultural heritage and urban regeneration
4. Collaborative governance, management and business development
5. Identity of places, attachment, belonging and sense of community
6. Coexistence, ties, and memory
Abstract Format
Authors, afferent, email
Corresponding author
Abstract (max 250 words)
Keywords (max 5)
Thematic area of reference
Promoting Committee
Caterina Arcidiacono (DSU UNINA), Alessandro Castagnaro (ANIAI), Maria Cerreta (DIARC UNINA), Massimo Clemente (IRISS CNR), Gaia Daldanise (IRISS CNR), Immacolata Di Napoli (DSU UNINA), Eleonora Giovene di Girasole (IRISS CNR), Luisella Pavan-Woolfe (Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia), Fortuna Procentese (SIPCO)
Scientific and organizational team
Stefania Carnevale, Emanuele Esempio, Benedetta Ettorre, Flora Gatti, Simona Stella
Info: naplesfaroconvention2021@gmail.com
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