And do not forget that on November, 30 from 4pm to 6pm (CET time) we will have the General Assembly of European Community Psychology Association (ECPA)
A dialogic webinar with Carolyn Kagan, Monday April 12 7PM
The ‘New Bank for Community Ideas and Solutions – NBCIS‘ – a global initiative to support creative community building in times of crises – is proud to present it´s first Dialogical Webinar on Monday, April 12, 7 pm CEST. The idea of ’NBCIS Dialogical Webinars’ is to be inspired and learn from creative and surprising ideas and solutions for community building in times of crises. we learn directly from authors of stories about their background and ’the making of…’
In our first Dialogical Webinar we will focus on “The Rise and Fall and Rise of the Chorlton Community Arts Festival” in Manchester/UK. The Festival is a unique way how to build community adressing and being inspired by the wealth of creativity within a community. Carolyn Kagan, community psychologist and chair of the festival, and Peter Topping, director of the Arts Festival will present their story and will be open for dialogue. Join us on Monday, April 12 at 7pm CEST by registering at
The editorial of Loris Vezzali and Orla Muldoon opens a debate on the pages of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology (JCASP) concerning the value of applied and field research and of social impact for the journal. The editorial can be found here.
EFPA EMC 18/2020: How to strengthen communities in times of crisis
EFPA has released some basic recommendations on the social effects on communities in relation to the Coronavirus spread based on a community psychology perspective. The document remarks that Community Psychology can offer specialist competencies and tools that are useful for real problems both locally and on a global scale.
The SC Community Psychology has together with our Associate member the European Community Psychology Association ECPA prepared this information and converted into an EFPA position statement. The document is available here and on the EFPA Hub about the COVID-Crisis.