Júlia Halamová


doc. Mgr. Júlia Halamová, PhD.



Institute of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Habilitation in Social and Organizational Psychology (doc.)

1998 – 2001
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Postgraduate study in Psychology (PhD.)

1993 – 1998
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Master study in Psychology (MA.)

Other educational activities

(2017) Emotion focused individual therapy training, Shanghai, China

(2016) Emotion focused individual therapy training, Prague, Czech Republic

(2016) Emotion focused family therapy training, Bratislava, Slovakia

(2016) Emotion focused family therapy training, Oslo, Norway

(2015) Emotion focused couple therapy training, Bergen, Norway

(2014-2015) Emotion focused individual therapy training, Bratislava, Slovakia

(2013) Emotion focused therapy training, Toronto, Canada

(2012) Emotion focused therapy training, Dublin, Ireland,

(2012) Emotionally focused couple therapy training, Milan, Italy

(2008) Entry on The List of Pychoterapist of Slovakia (Slovak Psychoterapists Association)

(2004-2007) Complex psychotherapy training in Systemic therapy (ISZ, Košice 2007)


Professional career

Institution position from – to
Faculty of Arts, Comenius Uni

Counselling Centre

Trnava Uni

Slovak Telecom

Private practice

Pedagogical Faculty Comenius Uni

Constantinus the Philosopher Uni

FSES, Comenius Uni

FSES, Comenius Uni

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor



Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

2001 – 2003

2001 – 2003

2000-2005, 2010





2013 – 2015

2015 –


Language skills

English – active speak & writing

Russian – passive speak & writing


Grants (selection)

The geography of philosophy from The John Templeton Foundation (2018-2021)

Broadening Community psychology networking through organizing multiregional conference, workshop and publishing conference almanac 2017 udelený American Psychological Association Division 27 Society for Community Research and Action

Maintaining Community psychology networking through organizing regional conference, workshop and publishing conference almanac 2016 from American Psychological Association Division 27 Society for Community Research and Action (2016)

Developing and maintaining Community psychology support networking through organizing regional conference and creating webpage 2015 from American Psychological Association Division 27 Society for Community Research and Action (2015)

Self-criticism versus self-reassurance as an internal monologue in the context of the emotions processing and social competencies  fromVEGA 1/0578/15 (2015-2018)

Integrative methodology to improve interpersonal communication competencies, development of emotional intelligence and resilience of adolescents in the context of cross-cutting themes ISCED 2 a ISCED 3A from KEGA 067UK-4 (2014-2015)

Multidimensional approach towards sense of place, possibilities of its cultivation and consequences for environmentally responsible behaviour from Austrian Science and Research Liason Office (2002-2003)


Bibliography (selection)


Halamova, J., & Kanovský, M. (2017). Self-compassion and self-criticism: Psychometric analysis of instruments. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského. [in Slovak]

Halamova, J. (2014). Psychological sense of community. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackého.

[in Slovak]

Halamova, J. (2013). Emotion focused therapy – textbook. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského. [in Slovak]

Halamova, J. (2013). Emotion focused therapy – workbook. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského. [in Slovak]



Halamova, J., & Kanovský, M. (2018). Development and psychometric analysis of the Sense of Community Descriptors Scale. Psychosocial Intervention. Forthcoming.

Drábeková P., Lamačková, M.,  Langová, P., Broniš, P., & Kanovská Halamová, J. (2017). Kvalitatívna analýza predstáv zamestnancov a študentov ohľadom univerzitnej komunitnej záhrady Komunitka. (Qualitative analysis of FSEV UK employees´ and students´ representations concerning community garden Komunitka.) In J. Sadovská Halamová (Ed.), Komunitná psychológia na Slovensku 2017, (pp. 35-64). Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave vo vydavateľstve UK. Retrieved from: https://fses.uniba.sk/fileadmin/fsev/uap/dokumenty/2017_18/Zbornik_2017_upraveny.pdf

Halamová, J. (2016). Paradoxes of psychological sense of community. Československá psychologie. LX, 1, 42-57.

Drábeková P. & Kanovská Halamová, J. (2016). Psychologický zážitok komunity v komunitných záhradách – kvalitatívna analýza. (Psychological sense of community – qualitative analysis.) In J. Sadovská Halamová (Ed.), Komunitná psychológia na Slovensku 2016, (pp. 67-89). Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave vo vydavateľstve UK. Retrieved from: https://fses.uniba.sk/fileadmin/fsev/uap/dokumenty/2016_17/1._Zbornik_Komunitna_psychologia_na_Slovensku_2016.pdf

Naništová, E., & Halamová, J. (2015). Kvalitatívna analýza zážitku komunity u vysokoškolákov. (Qualitative analysis of psychological sense of community between university students.) In J. Sadovská Halamová (Ed.), Komunitná psychológia na Slovensku 2015, (pp. 11-24). Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave vo vydavateľstve UK. Retrieved from: https://fses.uniba.sk/fileadmin/fsev/uap/dokumenty/workshop/Zbornik_Komunitna_psychologia_na_Slovensku_2015_14_1_16.pdf

Halamová, J., Timuľák, L., & Adamovová, L. (2013). Kvalitatívna analýza výpovedí účastníkov workshopov o prežívaní budovania komunity. (Qualitative analysis of statements of participants of public workshops of community building.) Československá psychologie. LVII, 1, 15-29.

Halama, P., & Halamová, J. (2005). Process of religious conversion in the catholic charismatic movement a qualitative analysis.  Archiv für Religionspsychologie, 27, 69-91.

Halamová, J. (2001). Psychological sense of community: Examining McMillan- Chavis‘ and Peck‘s concepts. Studia psychologica. 43, 2, 137-148.