Happy Community Project Enables Community Champions to Build Happier Communities

Community Champions under our guidance initiate projects that engage over 50% of the community to be more socially connected, belonging and caring. Community Champions clarify outcomes, engage a core group of citizens who intern attract volunteers to initiate new ongoing projects. Projects are designed to be ongoing and facilitate connections and engagement between citizens and develop a culture of looking out for each other. We have supported Community Champions in 4 countries on 3 continents.

We have attracted up to 700 volunteers in communities of 10 000 people or less. The community story shifts to reflect a new cultural norm. The community attracts new business visitors and professionals as word spreads about what is happening in the community. The community takes on a new vibrancy and pride in itself. And there is a greater awareness for the wellbeing of their fellow citizens.

When you build the community from the inside out founded on core values of connectedness and belonging, more space is made organically to include marginalized people.

Please find more information here.

Story shared by Barry Braun, Canada