The European Conference on Community Psychology (ECCP) will be arranged by the European Community Psychology Association (ECPA) in collaboration with the Norwegian Psychological Association (NPA), The European Federation of Psychology Associations (EFPA) and partners. The conference will be held in Oslo, Norway, from 3rd- 4th June 2021, with a pre-conference workshop on the 2nd June. With this call we are inviting researchers, practitioners, students, activists, writers and scholars in Community Psychology, to present their work under the conference title:
What can Community Psychology do for Europe and beyond?
Social capital, competencies, values and critical visions for future communities
Visit the brand new conference website!
The website provides a lot of information, including new submission deadlines.
The venue
The Red Cross Conference Center in Oslo is a former industrial site, located right at the Oslo city center, close to the railway station and buses.
The warm atmosphere in these old brick buildings reminds us of the past, and inspires for future possibilities.
The «Dugnad spirit» is part of the volunteer movement in Scandinavian countries, and the Red Cross has first-hand experience from street level being one of the longest running NGO’s in Europe. You can study what the activities in Norway look like today in this video.
The Red Cross is a humanitarian organization committed to the fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and a guardian of the Geneva Conventions, building on UN’s principles of Human Rights.
Context of the conference
The European Conference of Community Psychology has a long tradition of gathering colleagues from all corners of the world, to share different perspectives on contemporary problems. The lessons learned from the pandemic are about to be evaluated and transformed into new ways of coping with the crisis and preventing the causes behind it.
More important than ever, we need to rethink normality, and find ways to transform communities to foster well being for all. How can we stay connected, and feel safe at the same time? In Oslo we are committed to ensure people health and safety and will provide physical and virtual meeting places to meet these basic needs.
Thematic tracks
Sense of Community, Participation and Inclusion, Competencies and training, Community resilience, Environmental engagement for climate action, Building trust and solidarity, Community memory and regeneration, Transforming communities and social change, Partnerships for community development, Migration, Social justice and gender equality.
The pre-conference workshop will focus on communities’ experiences in coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, chaired by Prof. Wolfgang Stark.
Aims of the Conference
We aim to promote and exchange Community Psychology among scholars, students, activists, volunteers and policy makers, and to create room for professional, social and cultural meetings. We have ambitions to present a diverse and relevant conference addressing the most urgent issues of our time. The activities should reflect Community Psychology core values and competencies. Community Psychology has over the past 25 years oriented itself towards a systemic view of social and psychological problems. By
integrating individual, group, community and societal levels of analysis, we aim to develop a value based psychology addressing the most urgent issues of our time.
Key note speakers
Proposals for key note speakers are currently being evaluated and invited. If you have proposals for candidates, please contact the organizing committee. Proposed Key note topics; “Peace psychology – ten years after the Utøya terror” and “Psychology for climate action as environmental engagement”.
Call for Papers
The conference will include poster and parallel sessions, online lectures and webinars. We also welcome submissions of film documentaries and proposals for new formats that enhance dialogue, interaction and critical reflection. The conference will be characterized by contributions in the form of oral communications, round tables, symposia, innovative sessions and cultural events. The program and sessions might be subject to changes.
The deadline for abstract submission and registration is 29th October 2020.
The link to register and submit your abstract will be open from September. Please submit your proposal here.
If you have any problems registering and submitting, please send an e-mail to the organizing committee:
Hotel and accommodation
A list of recommended hotels and accommodation close to the conference venue will be provided with the 2nd Call for Abstracts in November. This link shows a glimpse of what Oslo can offer.
Conference language & publication
The conference language is English. All contributions will be included into the book of abstracts. A selection of these will be invited to publish in the Conference Proceedings.
Further possibilities for publishing selected papers in a European Journal are in progress. We wish you welcome to the 11th European Conference of Community Psychology in Oslo!
National Organizing Committee
- Jonas Vaag, Norwegian Psychological Association, NPA
- Ingvild Stjernen Tislov, NPA
- Mona Cecilie Nielsen, NPA
- Ole Tunold, NPA board
- Kjersti Hildonen, Community Psychology section, NPA
International Scientific Committee
- Cinzia Albanezi (Italy), ECPA president
- Maria Vargas Moniz (Portugal), ECPA past president
- Wolfgang Stark (Germany), EFPA SC liason to Ecpa
- Nicholas Carr (Norway), EFPA SC of Community Psychology
- Fortuna Procentese (Italy), ECPA board
- Martina Barankova (Slovakia), ECPA board
- Anna Bokszczanin (Poland), ECPA board
- Francesca Esposito (Italy), ECPA board
- Maria Fernandes-Jesus (Portugal), ECPA board